Blog | Courtney King Writing

Tinnitus. It all started with the tinnitus, when I was pretty young–around 3 or 4 I’m guessing, but maybe sooner. But that’s what I remember. My earliest memories are of myself lying in bed and unable to sleep because of the humming in my ears. The tone that I’ve always […]

Hearing Loss

My great-grandmother Anna was an orphan from Poland. I'm not sure how she lost her parents, but she had one aunt that we know of, who cruelly sent her to work as a child laborer.

Immigrant Nation

Monte Alban, Oaxaca, is a mystical place that forever impacted me. It was one of the first sites where I was aware of a “vibe.” Places have vibes, falling on a positive and negative spectrum. I don’t mean just because it’s ancient, or that precisely who lived there over the […]

Mystical Place

As my career goal is to become a registered architect, I’ve been working on developing my design style. The trend in architectural renderings has been towards realism, but I don’t necessarily think that’s a good trend. The primary goal should be clear communication through visual means; we want to help […]

Developing My Style

Until seven years ago, I had never seen an armadillo (I still have yet to see a living armadillo). The first ones I saw were roadkill on highway 75 between Topeka and Dallas, but I never saw any north of the Oklahoma border, until recently. They’ve made their way into […]

Armadillos Affected by Climate Change

The study of evolution and DNA has been a fascinating topic to me since high school. All living things have one common ancestor (LUCA)— hypothesized to be a single celled organism around the time when life on Earth first began. Likewise, all living humans have a common human ancestor. The […]

Grandmothers project

The art of crochet is one hobby I’ve had since I was a kid. I never learned how to read crochet patterns, but figured some things out as I went along. I once tried to sell some of my work at arts and crafts fairs, but there wasn’t a high […]

The art of crochet

In remembrance of la batalla de Puebla on the 5th of May, 1862, here is a photo of the forts where the battle was fought (and my husband), and a sketch of the Iglesia de la Compañia and the Cathedral of Puebla. Puebla is an old city with architecture dating […]

Cinco de Mayo

Most scientists are saying they are safe, and normally I would agree with scientists. So why the skepticism about GMOs? I really don’t doubt that they’re safe for human consumption, but what does bother me is that they might not be safe for other organisms in the environment. For example, […]

Skepticism about GMOs

Sometimes I stop breathing in my sleep. Sometimes I dream I’m under water and can’t make it to the surface. Other times, I’m in a car that’s filling with water or being crushed under mountains of steel. I usually realize I’m dreaming by that point and scream to myself, “Wake […]

People who show up in dreams to help

When I was a kid, I thought all the people I’d known who had died were in heaven, shaking their heads in disappointment every time I did something wrong. I just knew they were thinking, “If only we’d known she was like this while we’d been alive, we wouldn’t have […]

Funny things kids think

Everything alive today has one common ancestor. All plants, all animals, all microbes, share a great great great (going back 3 billion years) grandparent. All things everywhere are my distant cousins. Is this what is meant by Mother Earth? Read about Last universal common ancestor (LUCA). I’m going back to […]

What is Mother Earth?